The Rockefeller Foundation: #WithoutMom

Campaign Video

Initiative Announcement


  • Each day, 830 women die of pregnancy-related causes globally and the U.S. lags behind other developed nations with 700+ annually deaths. 3 out of 5 are considered preventable.

  • Although this issue had received increased attention, the landscape lacked a clear leader and course of action to fight this epidemic.


  • Kirstyn paired compelling public health data with cultural trends to build the #WithoutMom campaign, reframing maternal health as a solvable, nonpartisan issue and naming The Rockefeller Foundation and its network as leaders in this effort.


  • Global conversation about access to maternal care on digital and social platforms totaling 15.7M+ views, 231M+ impressions, and 492K+ unique engagements  in 10 days.

  • Press & media features on MSNBC, CBS News, Vox and ABC’s The View.

  • Public endorsement by 275+ influencers including Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Stacey Abrams, Sheryl Sandberg, Laverne Cox, Kerry Washington, Planned Parenthood, The Womens’ March, The World Bank and more.


Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: Education